Bigg Boss OTT 3: The Salman Khan-hosted reality show, which has created waves on the digital platform with its last two season, is speculated to air soon. Many names such as Shehzada Dhami, Sana Saeed, Pratiksha Honmukhe, and others are speculated to participate in the third season of Bigg Boss OTT. However, as per recent reports, amidst all the speculations and rumours, it is stated that the makers have zeroed in and signed the first contestant of the show, who is none other than a Bhojpuri actress, who came into the limelight a few years ago due to her MMS scandal.
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Bigg Boss OTT 3: Is Bhojpuri actress Trisha Kar Madhu the FIRST confirmed contestant of Salman Khan’s show?
Yes, you heard it right. As per a report in Filmibeat, Trisha Kar Madhu, originally named Trisha Khan, is the first confirmed contestant of the Salman Khan-hosted show. For those unaware, Trisha is a Bhojpuri actress known for working extensively in Bhojpuri cinema. She has done quite a few dance numbers in Bhojpuri cinema. In fact, one look at her Instagram account and you can witness how her social media account is filled with videos of dance numbers. Check out a post from her social media below.
For those unaware, Trisha’s MMS scandal was leaked in the year 2021. Back then, she stated that she is unaware of who leaked the video and is extremely displeased with the entire incident. She even did a Facebook Live where she bashed all the trolls for being insensitive and harsh on her.
Here’s a look at the video of Salman Khan’s birthday below:
Well, with Trisha’s participation, the makers of Bigg Boss OTT 3 have once again hit the right note. Bigg Boss OTT 3 is one such show which runs only because of controversial stories and drama. Bringing Trisha is a masterstroke by the team of Bigg Boss OTT 3. It would be interesting to see what spark Trisha would add to Bigg Boss OTT 3.
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