Ravichandran Ashwin‘s sudden mid-series retirement shocked the entire cricket world on Wednesday. As India and Australia toiled hard on Day 5 of the Brisbane Test, it was a hug exchanged between Ashwin and Virat Kohli that gave the story away. While Ashwin’s decision did come as a big surprise, a post by cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle has suggested that the off-spinner’s exit has set the bar for the other members of the team. The likes of Rohit Sharma, Ravindra Jadeja, Virat Kohli, etc. are all on the wrong side of their thirties. Though they still have what it takes to deliver at the top level, one may argue that Ashwin did too.
Over the years, Ashwin has seen many spinners being preferred ahead of him in all formats. But, never before was an off-spinner selected before him. With Washington Sundar‘s selection for the Perth Test, the Indian team management, headed by Gautam Gambhir in Rohit Sharma’s absence, the message was clear to Ashwin, who did what arguably any other player in his position would’ve.
But, what Harsha Bhogle has pointed out is the fact that by allowing Ashwin to retire, the BCCI selection committee has sent a loud and clear message to others in a similar position as him.
“By letting Ashwin retire, and he would be playing if he was picked, the selectors have set the bar for everyone else. Interesting times ahead,” Harsha wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
By letting Ashwin retire, and he would be playing if he was picked, the selectors have set the bar for everyone else. Interesting times ahead.
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) December 19, 2024
A report in Cricbuzz, also suggests that the 2024-25 season could see a 2008-like episode, prompting a number of veteran Indian stars to retire one after the other.
Even in the press conference after the match, sitting alongside skipper Rohit Sharma, Ashwin said that though he has a bit of punch left in him, he prefers to use that in club cricket. In the process, Ashwin dropped a big hint about how things had changed for him on the international stage.
“I don’t want to take too much of your time, but this will be my last day as an Indian cricketer in all formats as in the at the international level. I do feel there’s a bit of punch left in me as a cricketer, but I would like to expose and probably showcase that in club-level cricket, but this will be the last day and I’ve had a lot of fun,” Ashwin had said.
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