It is Holi and time for a community to celebrate. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt also played the festival of colours with their little one Raha Kapoor in the building. A video has come online, which shows the couple playing with their neighbours. We can see a lady applying colour on Ranbir Kapoor who seems to be loving the festival the most. Alia Bhatt is also playing sparingly. The actress however was in full colourful mode as she wore an orange tee with hot pink shorts, true to the Holi vibes.
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Little Raha Kapoor makes an appearance as well
We can see that the couple have brought down Raha Kapoor too. The little one was dressed in a white tee with pants. Her nanny was also with her. She had this reaction when an actress came to apply colours on her. Take a look at the video…
#RanbirKapoor #Aliabhatt and raha playing Holi with their neighbours ? pic.twitter.com/gvhFHvfKrW
— ritika ❤️? | L&W ERA (@ritikatweetssx) March 25, 2024
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