Bollywood veteran Govinda has made a striking comeback to the political arena, a move that follows closely on the heels of actress Kangana Ranaut’s announcement of her foray into politics and her plans to contest elections from Himachal Pradesh foe BJP. After A 14 year -long hiatus from the political landscape, Govinda, who initially ventured into politics under the banner of Rahul Gandhi’s Congress in 2004, has rekindled his interest in public service. Despite a successful stint in the Lok Sabha representing Mumbai North, Govinda stepped away from politics in 2010, focusing instead on his illustrious film career. However, the actor’s recent decision to re-enter the political sphere has surprised many, especially as he’s chosen to align himself with Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena rather than Sonia Gandhi’s Congress.
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Govinda shakes hands with Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena
It is stated that Govinda will most likely contest the election from Mumbai’s North West in the upcoming Lok Sabha election in Maharashtra. According to reports, Govinda met Eknath Shinde last week, where they discussed the actor’s second political innings. Govinda was initially not keen on reviving his political career. However, after meeting Eknath Shinde, he felt that there’s a lot more he can do for his country if he joins Eknath’s political party. Govinda himself said in today’s press conference that joining Shiv Sena is like a blessing of God, as he never thought he would enter politics again. The actor also mentioned how his parents had good relations with Shiv Sena founder Balasaheb Thackeray.
For those unaware, Govinda started his political career in 2004 when he joined Congress and contested from Mumbai North Lok Sabha. He defeated BJP’s Ram Naik by a significant margin. However, he quit politics in the year 2010. While Kangana has been receiving a lot of criticism since she announced her decision to contest elections, it will be interesting to see how people will view Govinda’s second innings in politics.
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