Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: The Samridhii Shukla starrer show has successfully captivated audience attention. The show recently suffered a major jolt when two of the main leads, Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe, were terminated by the makers due to their unprofessional behaviour. While YRKKH actors like Shruti Ulfat and Shivam Khajuria have accepted that Shehzada was indeed unprofessional, according to most recent reports and even as per Shivam Khajuria himself, Pratiksha Honumkhe was a good person but was misled due to Shehzada’s influence, resulting in her exit from the show. In a recent interview, Saloni, who plays the role of Charu in the Rajan Shahi show, also stated how Pratiksha is one of her favourite co-stars. Now, in an exclusive interview with Bollywood Life, Samridhii Shukla has also opened up about her bond with Pratiksha Honmukhe.
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Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Samridhii Shukla reveals her bond with Pratiksha Honmukhe
In an exclusive conversation Bollywood Life, we asked Samridhii Shukla what she thinks about the trolls, which sometimes do get overboard especially with her fellow co-star Pratiksha Honmukhe, the actress said, “I am aware that trolls sometimes can get really out of line. I have not received any such comments, but I see it for others. I feel for Pratiksha when we have a conversation and she tells me the kind of messages she gets. I feel bad because all she is trying to do is her job. Also, because she is a wonderful human being and a good girl. So I do feel bad, very bad for her. Apart from that, I love all the love which I am getting from viewers and certainly not taking it for granted. But yes, I do feel for other actors who just get trolled because they are playing a particular character.”
Here’s a video of TV actors who rejected the role of Abhimanyu in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai below:
Talking about Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Samridhii Shukla as of now has refrained from commenting on Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honukhe’s exit from the show. She, however, recently opened up about working with new actors where she said that it feels like she is back to day 1, as working with new actors and creating an on-screen bond with them is a bit challenging.
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