Star batter Virat Kohli took the internet by storm after a video of his new haircut went viral on social media. The right-handed batter is currently in Melbourne with the Indian cricket team which will be squaring off against Australia in the upcoming Boxing Day Test. The ongoing Border-Gavaskar series is turning out to be a mediocre one for Kohli as after hitting a century in the opening match, he completely failed to register big scores. In the second and third Test, he was dismissed 7, 11, and 3.
Despite his regular struggles, Kohli remains a fan favourite as his latest haircut video went viral like a wildfire. Widely known for his charisma and dashing style, Kohli left surprised his fans with his new stunning haircut.
The new haircut of Virat Kohli
– THE KINGS NEW CROWNpic.twitter.com/wrkeEqwnLg
— Virat Kohli Fan Club (@Trend_VKohli) December 20, 2024
Recently, Kohli’s childhood coach Rajkumar Sharma, the Team India star is looking to shift to the UK soon, with his wife Anushka Sharma, and children.
While the details on the topic aren’t available yet, Kohli has been spending a lot of time in London with his wife and children, especially since Anushka became pregnant with their second child, Akaay.
Virat and Anushka own a property in London, where they’ve been spending a lot of time since Akaay’s birth. Most likely, the couple would permanently shift in the UK soon.
“Yes, Virat plans to move to London with his children and wife, Anushka Sharma. He is going to be leaving India and shifting very soon. However, right now, Kohli is spending most of his time with his family apart from cricket,” Sharma told Dainik Jagran.
Kohli, who is 36 years old at present, has already quit T20 internationals. It isn’t yet known for how long the batting stalwart plans to play for the Indian team in Tests and ODIs. His form, of late, hasn’t been the most promising, prompting discussions among fans and experts over his future with the national team.
The fourth Test of the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy between India and Australia will kick-start from December 26.
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