Sholay starring Dharmendra, Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Amjad Khan, Sanjeev Kumar, Jaya Bachchan and many others still remains to be iconic. One of the most celebrated and successful films of Bollywood, Sholay gave many iconic characters that are still remembered. From the dreaded Gabbar to besties Jay-Veeru, Sholay is etched in everyone’s hearts. But AI has now brought a new plot twist to everyone’s favourite film and it is hilarious AF!
A video has gone viral on social media that has AI reimagining Sholay with major plot changes. One of the scenes in the video shows Gabbar hugging Thakur. In the film, Gabbar was the one who cut Thakur’s hands. Another scene shows Thakur shedding off his shawl and dancing on Mehboobaa Mehbooba. The iconic Jay-Veeru bike ride scene has also got a twist. Technology has crept into Sholay and Amitabh Bachchan‘s character can be seen flaunting his smart phone. One of the hilarious scenes is of Hema Malini literally dancing in front of dogs. The film had Dharmendra saying, ‘Basanti in kutto ke samne mat nachna,’ referring to the goons but AI has taken it in literal sense. Ram Gopal Varma too has shared this video with the caption, “A I got into Sholay too !” with big eyes, shocked emojis. Fans have turned it into a meme fest with hilarious response. One of the comments read, “AI has k!lled Sholay!” Another comment read, “Sholay but every frame is cursed.”
Check out the hilarious Sholay video below:
Please cancel AI pic.twitter.com/NSIjXzBtSu
— Gabbar (@GabbbarSingh) December 19, 2024
Sholay released in 1975 and was directed by Ramesh Sippy. The film was reportedly made on a budget of Rs 2-3 crore while it made around Rs 35 crore at the box office. It turned out to be the most-watched Indian film in theatres.
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