The Bachchan family celebrated Holi with great pomp. Navya Naveli Nanda shared the pics which were all about colour, fun and food. In fact, the table laden with veg and non-veg treats made many salivate. But everyone was wondering where is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya and Abhishek Bachchan. Well, now we have the pic of the family. Some adorable Holi clicks have come on social media. Take a look at them.
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrated with her friends, Abhishek Bachchan and Aaradhya
Netizens have now seen pics of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan with her friends. The cute dog on her lap is also getting a lot of attention. It seems they were with the family of Zirak Marker. He is a family psychiatrist and a mental health advocate cum author. We can see Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in leggings, a tee with a long shrug. Netizens are in awe of how fresh and happy she is looking in every pic.
Seeing her celebrating holi like this after ages ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #AishwaryaRai pic.twitter.com/7kGea98p4Y
— AISHWARYA RAI ? (@my_aishwarya) March 25, 2024
Queen Aishwarya Rai celebrating Holi with husband , daughter and friends ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #HappyHoli pic.twitter.com/AbS5pmWgXl
— Empress Aishwarya Fan (@badass_aishfan) March 25, 2024
And Happy Holi tis ♥️ #AbhiAish #AbhishekBachchan #AishwaryaRaiBachchan#AaradhyaBachchan
Via Zirak Marker. pic.twitter.com/nYFK7Kxvst— Ruth (@Ruth4ashab) March 25, 2024
Many pointed out that it has been years since people got a pic of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrating Holi. Zirak is also a good friend of Abhishek Bachchan. The actress’ smile and face proves why she is one of the most stunning women out there.
Abhi Aish celebrating Holi with friends
byu/Big-Criticism-8926 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her equation with her in-laws under the scanner
The Bachchan Parivaar had gone together for the Jamnagar function of Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani. Aaradhya grabbed eyeballs with her new hairdo for the sangeet. We could also see her holding the hands of her grandfather, Amitabh Bachchan. Stories of a feud in the family, and how Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has drifted from them grabbed headlines throughout 2023. The actress tasted success in films with Ponniyin Selvan 2.
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