Ali Abbas Zafar and Jackky Bhagnani are bringing the biggest action entertainer, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, featuring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff. The film is now inching close to its release date and fans cannot contain excitement at all. Akshay and Tiger, two of the biggest action stars in the industry have teamed up for an entertainer. So far, the response is just amazing. Akshay and Tiger, Bade and Chote have been promoting the upcoming new movie in their own style. And it’s goofiness overload. They just made the most awaited announcement with yet another hilarious video.
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Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff announce Bade Miyan Chote Miyan advance bookings are now open
Taking to their Instagram handle, Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff made another new goofy video. The video begins with Tiger and Akshay training together. They are boxing together. Tiger tells Bade Akshay that he must get him a new phone somehow. Akshay tells Chote Tiger that he needs to make him proud. “Seena chauda” is the exact phrase. A dejected Tiger walks away and then gets an idea. He punches Akshay in his back which makes his chest come out, but in pain. Tiger takes the opportunity and says he has done it (seen chauda) and now he should get his phone. Later we see them wrestling each other. Tiger and Akshay’s bromance on social media is quite entertaining, we must say. You’d wonder why they have made such an announcement. It is because Bade Miyan Chote Miyan advance bookings are now open. And the video was for the same.
Watch the video of Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff here:
Watch this video of Akshay and Tiger at Jackky Bhagnani’s wedding here:
Bade Miyan Chote Miyan producer predicts box office collection
A couple of days ago, Jackky Bhagnani dropped a video on social media with the real life Bade Miyan and Chote Miyan, that is, his father and himself. Vashu Bhagnani asked his son to not worry as Rs 1100 is guaranteed. The optimism brings a smile to Jackky’s face. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan releases on 10th April. It will enjoy a long weekend.
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