On Friday, December 13, Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun was arrested by the Hyderabad police. The actor was arrested in the Hyderabad Sandhya Theatre stampede that led to one death. The incident happened on December 4 during the movie’s special screening. A huge crowd was present as it was known that the actor was going to visit the theatre that night. Arjun was the fourth person to get arrested, along with the theatre owner and the security guard. The actor had to spend the night in prison and was granted bail on Saturday.
Allu Arjun’s jail routine
Now, the prison officials have shared details about the night when Allu Arjun was in jail. As reported by News 18, a senior official from the Telangana prisons department revealed the Pushpa 2 star didn’t ask for any special requests when it comes to food. The actor ate simple rice and vegetable curry for dinner.
However, the actor was kept in a separate section with the other accused people who were arrested in the same case. Arjun was treated as a special-class prisoner, just like the court ordered, and was provided a cot, table, and chair. “He was quite normal. He did not appear depressed. The dinner time is normally 5.30 pm. However, late admissions will also be served food. The actor had rice and vegetable curry, and he was treated as a special-class prisoner as per the court’s order,” the official told PTI.
Watch a video on Pushpa 2
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun shared his first statement after being granted bail. “I thank everyone for the love and support. I want to thank all my fans. There is nothing to worry about. I am fine. I am a law-abiding citizen and will cooperate. I would like to once again express my condolences to the family. It was an unfortunate incident. We are sorry for what happened.”
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