Allu Arjun hit a jackpot with Pushpa. He became a pan-India star with the stupendous success of Pushpa: The Rise. From his swag to dialogue delivery, fans loved every bit of Pushpa. After a gap of three years, Pushpa 2: The Rule is set to release. There is great excitement around the same as fans really want to know what happens next. On Rashmika Mandanna’s birthday, the makers of Pushpa 2 revealed the first look of Srivalli. Today, being Allu Arjun’s birthday, fans are in for a treat as the teaser of the film has been unveiled. Nothing gets better than that!
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Pushpa 2 stars Allu Arjun as Pushparaj, Rashmika Mandanna as Srivalli and Fahadh Faasil as SP Banwar Singh. Earlier, the first glimpse showcased that Pushpa was in jail and he had managed to elope. But what next? The second teaser is full of dhamaka and how. Made on a massive budget of Rs 500 crore, Pushpa 2 promises double the thrill, action and entertainment for the fans.
Pushpa 2 teaser has Allu Arjun dressed in a saree and channeling his inner energy like Kaali Maa. He looks fierce and in the mood to kill. The teaser promises a thunderous background score, some crazy action stunts and a swag-filled Allu Arjun set to rule the screens. The teaser does not share any glimpses of Srivalli or SP Banwat Singh. Neither does it reveal much about the storyline leading to the curiosity among the fans. It is just all about Allu Arjun and his impeccable performance.
Check out Pushpa 2 teaser below:
Pushpa 2: The Rule is going to release on August 15, 2024. It is expected to be a major box office success given the buzz around it. The movie is helmed by Sukumar who seems confident that Pushpa 2 will be a hit. Allu Arjun’s stardom reached its peak post he release of Pushpa: The Rise and now, the second instalment will take it to newer heights. We cannot wait for Pushpa 2: The Rule! Bring it on.
Here’s a throwback video of Allu Arjun’s birthday celebrations
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