Bollywood veteran actress Jaya Bachchan turns 76 today. While wishes are pouring in from every corner of the world, it’s Amitabh Bachchan’s birthday wish for his wife that has caught everyone’s attention. The Shahenshah of Bollywood, who is an active social media user, took to his blog and penned a sweet birthday wish for his wife. He also revealed how the family celebrated her birthday. Check out the post below.
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Amitabh Bachchan pens sweet birthday wish for wife Jaya Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan are known as one of the most celebrated couples of Bollywood. Sharing decades of love, the couple has remained strong amidst all the controversies and rumors. Their playful banter was also recently witnessed when Jaya arrived at the game show hosted by Amitabh. Amitabh mentioned in his blog how the family celebrated her birthday at midnight. The birthday celebration was conducted between close friends and family. However, one look at his birthday post, and you can see how the love between both the actors has aged like fine wine.
The actor wrote, “It is in the morn of another family birth .. of which that has required no explanation .. the better half celebrates her birthday TODAY, and all the greetings for her are recognized and shown gratitude, as always ..”
Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan first met in the year 1970. Back then, Jaya Bachchan was already an established superstar while Amitabh Bachchan was struggling to make a name for himself. The duo met at Pune Film Institute. However, no sparks flew between them on their first meeting. Jaya Bachchan first caught Amitabh Bachchan’s attention when she appeared on the cover of a magazine. Bachchan was mesmerized by Jaya’s beauty. Their first film together was Guddi. Jaya realized she had started developing feelings for Amitabh. However, it was the film EK Nazar when Amitabh fell in love with Jaya. The duo then got married on 3rd June 1973 and were later blessed with two beautiful children, Abhishek Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan.
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