Hiba Nawab and Krushal Ahuja starrer Jhanak has touched the hearts of the audience. The story of Jhanak and Aniruddha has grabbed everyone’s attention. The TRPs of the show have been brilliant and it is amongst the top three shows on the BARC TRP charts. Jhanak began recently and is already one of the best TV shows. In the recent episodes, we saw how Jhanak has been fighting for her life in the hospital. The doctors informed Aniruddha and others that Jhanak is not responding to any treatment. Aniruddha is shocked and hurt with the news. He wants Jhanak back. He then remembers the time when Jhanak had done the Mahamrityunjay puja for him to save his life.
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Aniruddha decides to do the same for Jhanak. He reaches the temple and does the puja for Jhanak. Shrishti and Arshi try to stop the puja but Aniruddha’s love for Jhanak wins. He continues doing the puja for Jhanak. The doctors asks the Bose family to cooperate with the police but Tanuja explains that Jhanak is just a maid 0f their house.
Aniruddha confesses his love for Jhanak
The doctors tell them to cooperate if they have done nothing wrong. Aniruddha keeps his prayers going on while the people around him for his love for Jhanak. Arshi and others try to speak to Aniruddha but he keeps praying. Later, Arshi questions Aniruddha and he ignores her.
The pandit tells Choton that Jhanak will recover soon after this puja. Aniruddha ignores them all and goes to meet Jhanak. He faces her and the doctor tells him that Jhanak isn’t responding and she will be put on ventilator. Aniruddha begs before Jhanak to speak to him and not to leave him.
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Aniruddha will confess his feelings for Jhanak and ask her to be back for the sake of their love leaving everyone shocked. It will be interesting to see how will Arshi, Shrishti and others react to this love confession.
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