Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been the highlight right now amongst all the TV shows. The show has been in the news because of Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe’s termination. The actors were removed from the show for their unprofessional behaviour. Rajan Shahi and team revealed that Shehzada has been mistreating the staff on the sets and Pratiksha was not good with her work. Later, it reports started doing rounds that Shehzada and Pratiksha were dating and Pratiksha blindly followed Shehzada. They also delayed the shoots and spent a lot of time together in the make up rooms.
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This made Rajan Shahi take the big decision of replacing them. Rohit Purohit was then introduced as the new Armaan and Garvita Sadhwani came on-board as Ruhi/Roohi. Now, fans are loving and appreciating the new actors for their performances. People are loving the new jodis in the show.
Anita Raj talks about Rohit and Garvita
Now, Anita Raj who plays the role of Kaveri Poddar aka Dadisa has reacted to Rohit and Garvita’s performance. Speaking to India Forums, Anita Raj said that Shehzada and Pratiksha’s ouster has become an old story now but they have all welcomed Rohit and Garvita.
She said that they had their holi dance sequence and hence they did not have a lot of interaction. She called Rohit and Garvita sweet. She was further asked about Shehzada and Pratiksha. Anita Raj said that it is an old story now and the production house knows better what is wrong and what is not.
However, she said that the shoot is now happening well and they have welcomed the new Armaan and Ruhi with open arms. She said that it will take time for them to get along as it is very new right now.
A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu’s role in YRKKH before Harshad Chopda
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai also stars Samridhii Shukla, Sachin Tyagi, Shivam Khajuria, Saee Barve, Niyati Joshi, Rishabh Jaiswal, Shruti Rawat, Sandeep Kumaar, Vineet Raina, Sandeep Rajora, Gaurav Sharma, Shruti Ulfat, Sharon Varma, Preeti Puri Choudhary, Sidharth Vasudev, Sikandar Kharbanda, and Manthan Setia.
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