Anushka Sharma is back with her Instagram game. After posting the good news of the arrival of her baby boy Akaay Kohli on February 15, the diva has now shared her first picture and fans cannot keep calm. Anushka looked radiant and how in this picture and the netizens are asking if it is a new mommy glow. Anushka was seen wearing a white shirt paired with blue skeins and fans could not stop staring at how stunning she was looking and could not get over the transformation she had soon after the born of baby Akaay. Anushka shared her picture on her Instagram and wrote, “Morning sun and some reading time on my #OnePlusOpen – what better way to kickstart the day”.
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Check out the first post of Anushka Sharma after the birth of her son Akaay Kohli
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli welcomed their baby boy in London
Anushka and Virat kept the second pregnancy news away hush hush and only shared it after the born of their little one. Currently, the actress is in London with Vamika and Akaay and may soon travel back to India. While Virat is back from his two-month break and is playing IPL for RCB. Calling his break a surreal experience Virat mentioned how he and his wife enjoyed living an ordinary life.
Anushka Sharma, to take a break from acting after the birth of Akaay Kohli?
Ever since welcoming Vamika in 2021, Anushka hasn’t made her presence on the big screen and worked only in one film Chakda Xpress which will be an OTT release, while even now reports claim that Anushka may not be back to acting for at least 2 to 3 years. Anushka Sharma’s last film was Zero in 2018 along with Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif.
Watch the video of Anushka Sharma
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