The Great Indian Kapil Show is coming out on Netflix. Apart from Kapil Sharma, joining the cast will be Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda and more. Archana Puran Singh will also be a part of the show. Archana replaced Navjyot Singh Sidhu on The Kapil Sharma Show years ago. Since the Archana has been an integral part of Kapil and his troop. The actress has now made a shocking revelation about fake laughing on the show.
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Archana Puran Singh amidst fake laughing at bad jokes on The Kapil Sharma Show
Archana Puran Singh confesses that she never thought she would be known or get famous for her laughter. Archana says she as an actor always felt that she would be known for her performances. She talks about how destiny takes you to different places. Archana says she has got the best job in the world as she is laughing all the way to her bank. Archana says she is having the best time of her life. She talks about how people want to watch the show or even one episode of the show. She calls it a great opportunity to be a part of The Kapil Sharma Show and now, the series. The actress was asked if she also laughs at bad jokes. Archana says it doesn’t happen anymore.
Archana Puran Singh on people talking about fake laugh
Archana says that people would talk about how she also laughed at the bad jokes and admits that she was not happy. She reveals that if one of the jokes did not land a punch then they would make Archana laugh then the punch would land. However, it did not work that way and she got criticised.”People started to think, ‘this woman is mad, she is laughing for nothing. The integrity of my laughter took the beating,” she added.
Watch this video of Kapil and kids here:
The actress also says that the makers would edit their laughter everywhere. Archana now says that there are only a few instances where fake laughs are now used.
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