Madgaon Express actress Nora Fatehi’s latest interview with Ranveer Allahbadia is going viral. She has made quite a few explosive statements in that interview right from facing bullying to how Bollywood actors marry to stay relevant and so on. But what has surprised people are her take on feminism. Nora Fatehi seems to have left her female fans unhappy with some of her statements. We know that the fight for equal rights and respect is a real one for many women the world over. Many felt that Nora Fatehi confused feminism with pseudo feminism and made such comments.
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Nora Fatehi said women should focus on being nurturers
Nora Fatehi said modern notions around feminism was destroying society. She said she did not believe in the concept of feminism. She was quoted as saying, “I don’t believe in it. In fact, I think, feminism ruined our society completely.” She said she felt the idea that a woman should be completely independent devoid of a family was a wrong. She said she sided with the thought that women were nurturers. She said a man was a breadwinner in her eyes, and she did not trust people who did not believe in it. Nora Fatehi said women empowerment was good but only to an extent.
Nora Fatehi feels feminism has brainwashed men as well
She said men were taken in by feminism and did not wish to take on traditional roles of a breadwinner and protector. Nora Fatehi said if men worked on these aspects, women would be more free to nurture a family. She was quoted as saying, “If you are bringing to the table money, food, shelter, I need to bring to the table kids, being a mother, taking care of the house, cooking, etc. If we are bringing the same thing to the table, then who’s going to bring the other stuff?”
Netizens lash out at Nora Fatehi
Many women said they felt disappointed by the comments made by Nora Fatehi. They said it gave major ‘Pick Me’ vibes. Others said that many girls supported Nora Fatehi in her journey and her statements were upsetting. In fact, many wondered if she made such comments knowing that she had a pre-dominantly male fan base.
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