Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is once again grabbing eyeballs due to her past after her old video resurfaced on the internet along with Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi whom she was allegedly in a relationship. This endorsement video shows Aishwarya and Vivek in a beverage advertisement and their chemistry is something that is leaving many stunned. As the video has been going viral on the internet, the netizens are bringing Salman Khan as it was during the time before Vivek Oberoi’s press conference against the superstar where he had alleged he getting threatening calls.
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Watch the old unseen endorsement video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Vivek Oberoi.
Watch the video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
One user commented, “Imagine being Abhishek Bachchan seeing people argue about Vivek or Salman on Aishwarya
“.Another user said, ” I hope taxi driver was not Salman bhai”.
Many times Vivek has spoken about his bitter past with Aishwarya but the Ponniyin Selvan actress has never spoken about her alleged affair with the Indian Police Force actor. Even in one of the latest interviews with Lehren Suresh Oberoi had said that how he too was unaware of his son Vivek’s relationship with Aishwarya and that it was Ram Gopal Varma who told him about it. “Most of the things I didn’t even know. Vivek never told me. Ramu (Ram Gopal Varma) told me. Before Ramu, somebody else told me. I had made him understand. Samjhaya tha mat karo (I had told him not to do).”
All said and done, Vivek has moved on, while Aishwarya is unaffected by the chatter as she is one individual in B Town who likes to keep her personal life extremely private no matter what.
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