Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress Mohena Kumari Singh became a mother second time round. This time, Suyesh Rawat and she are blessed with a daughter. It seems the couple were keen to have a baby girl. She says people told her that she might end up with a second son, but she’s glad to have a daughter. She said the family feels complete, and she’s overjoyed as a mother. Mohena Kumari Singh who was part of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai told Hindustan Times, “It was a great feeling of contentment, I am at peace now, I would say.”
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Mohena Kumari Singh on the naming of the child
Mohena Kumari Singh and Suyesh Rawat have a son, Ayaansh who will turn 2 in April. It seems the baby girl’s Vedic chart was made on first day of Navratri. They will soon finalize the name. But they are now calling her ‘Choti Babu’. It seems her husband calls her sprout ever since she was pregnant. She also said that she was stress-free during this phase. She had taken a lot of precautions during her first pregnancy eating only organic food, and avoiding outside stuff. It seems she even stayed away from Maggi. Mohena Kumari Singh said that she enjoyed her second pregnancy. She did not worry too much about food, and even ate out.
Mohena Kumari Singh opens up on updating fans about the baby
The actress and choreographer said that she is too engrossed in her life as a young mother. She said social media is hardly on her mind. She says fans get to know about her through various sources. Mohena Kumari Singh said that posting stuff on social media is just not a priority for her. She said, “I am so busy living my life authentically. People told me that you need to say something, otherwise people will think and assume that she did a surrogate or adopted.”
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