The Great Indian Kapil Show has been in the news since a long time. Everyone is eagerly waiting to see Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover reunite. It has been the most awaited thing and that is one of the biggest reasons why people want the show to begin soon. The show is all set to stream on Netflix from March 30. The show will also have Kiku Sharda, Rajeev Thakur, Krushna Abhishek and Archana Puran Singh. However, in the original The Kapil Sharma Show on TV, we also had Bharti Singh. She was one of the most important members of The Kapil Sharma Show. She also shares a great bond with the team.
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Bharti Singh talks about not joining The Great Indian Kapil Show
However, she is not a part of The Great Indian Kapil Show that will stream on Netflix. She spoke to ETimes and revealed why she is not a part of the new show. Bharti Singh shared that for now, she doesn’t have any plans on joining Kapil but if something happens, she will surely join.
Bharti is currently busy with her projects, podcasts, and shooting Dance Deewane but if she gets a call from The Great Indian Kapil Show, she will surely do it. She has a few things in her kitty and less time to devote to something new.
We hope Bharti joins the show soon. The promo of the show released recently and we saw Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni gracing the first episode.
Watch this video of Sunil here:
The stars will be seen speaking about Raha Kapoor and how Ranbir used to give mother, Neetu’s jewellery to his ex-girlfriends. Ranbir also used to steal Riddhima’s clothes and give to his ex-girlfriends.
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