Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin began in 2020. The show has been amongst the top five shows on the TRP charts since it began. It has been getting all the love from the audience. The first generation story of the show had Ayesha Singh, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma as the leads. The story of Sai, Virat and Pakhi then ended and we had the second generation coming. Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma played the roles of Ishaan and Savi. However, the show took another big leap and we saw Shakti left the show.
Hitesh Bharadwaj then entered as the lead opposite Bhavika. The story of Rajat and Savi then began. However, we have seen that the TRPs of the show have dropped. The story of Rajat and Savi is unable to connect with the audience. We also saw that the makers have been trolled for copying Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya and Karan Patel starrer Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
Big leap in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin?
However, currently, the TRPs of the show are low and hence, the makers tried to bring in many twists by adding some new characters in the show. Recently, Sheezan Khan has entered the show as Anubhav who is Savi’s best friend.
But even that has not worked it seems. Hence, the makers have now taken a big decision. Yes, as per reports in Gossips TV, the show will take another generation leap soon. Post the leap, all the actors from the current episodes will leave. It seems even Bhavika and Hitesh will quit the show post leap.
Bhavika has been loved by the audience and her exit will definitely disappoint the audience. It will be interesting to see what changes will happen and what will be the next story of the show.
Currently, Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin also stars Kaveri Priyam, Pallavi Pradhan, Amayra Khurana, Ankit Arora and others.
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