Kangana Ranaut is once again making headlines for her old statement where she had landed herself in a controversy after her remark on India’s freedom. The actress went on to say on the public platform that the freedom that India got was a bheek in 1947, and the real freedom India got was in 2014 after the Modi government. This statement made by Kangana has been facing a massive backlash and the actress is trending on the X account where netizens are asking for a boycott of her with the hashtag #BoycottcasteistKangana Ranaut due to the old video
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Watch old video of Kangana Ranaut on calling India’s freedom as bheek ki azaadi that was looked at as an insult.
Watch Khan sir brutally troll & expose drama queen Kangana Ranaut ?
Every vote for this clown will be an embarrassment to the people of Mandi. #KanganaRanautpic.twitter.com/jhMeJwAsYg
— Rohini Anand (@mrs_roh08) March 28, 2024
Kangana Ranaut has joined the BJP party and will also contest Lok Sabha elections from her hometown Mandi this year. Ever since Kangana Ranaut announced her entrance into politics she has been giving instigating statements against the opposition party and its members, but this old statement against the freedom of the country is something that didn’t go down well with the people of India at all.
Many are asking to boycott Kangana for her old statement against bheek ki azaadi as this has hurt many people across the nation. Will Kangana apologize for this old video?
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