Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon starring Crew was released in cinemas this past Friday. The heist film is not just impressing the audience but also is minting money. The Rajesh A Krishnan directorial movie is about three air hostesses working for Kohinoor Airlines. The three of them are not in a good state in their personal lives since they haven’t received their salaries for the last six months. They stumble upon a smuggling racket which is headed by their HR head and they try to earn a quick buck. After initial happiness, they land in a mess.
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Kriti Sanon reacts to the possibility of Crew 2; expresses excitement to work with Tabu and Kareena Kapoor Khan
When asked if Crew should get a sequel, Kriti Sanon green-lit it from her side. The actress, however, shares that it is a huge responsibility of the writers. Crew has surpassed the Rs 70 crore mark at the worldwide box office in just 4 days. The movie is winning hearts not just in India but also abroad. Kriti talks about the outpouring of love for Crew and admits that they would love to do something fun again.
Kriti says that the audience’s love for the movie is the biggest motivation to make a sequel. “When they love something so much, you feel you can definitely do something next. So, hope so,” she adds. Well, we would love to see more of Kriti and Diljit Dosanjh in Crew 2 if that ever happens. Also, Kareena Kapoor Khan who plays Jasmine should get a love interest as well. On the other hand, Tabu and Kapil Sharma should just be as good as they have been in Crew.
Watch this video of the public reaction to the Crew movie here:
Crew movie box office collection
Crew has been making money at the box office. On day 1, it opened at Rs 20.07 crore at the box office. The highest ever for a female-led movie. On Day 2, it minted Rs 21.06 crore gross worldwide. On day 3, it minted Rs 21.40 crores. The weekend collection of Crew stands to be around Rs 62.53 crore. It also passed the Monday test. The four day collections of Crew are around Rs 70.73 crores.
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