Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone welcomed their baby daughter into this world on September 8, 2024. They named their daughter Dua meaning Prayer. Like many other Bollywood couples, the Bajirao Mastani stars too have decided to keep their daughter away from limelight. They haven’t shared any picture of their little one revealing her face on social media. Deepika and Dua have been spotted only a few times by the media post baby’s birth. But latest reports state that Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh introduced their daughter to paparazzi.
Media gets to meet DeepVeer’s daughter Dua
As per a report in Times of India, Ranveer Singh held a small celebration in the clubhouse of his building where he invited a few paparazzi. The gathering was held to celebrate the arrival of Dua and also formally introduce her to the paparazzi. However, the only condition was that the paps will not click pictures of Dua. Deepika Padukone also joined the gathering. Ranveer Singh is said to have expressed immense joy to have welcomed ‘laxmi’ in his house. The paparazzi has been strictly asked to not click pictures of the little one.
Here are some pictures of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone from the event
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh invited paps to meet baby Dua today ??#DeepikaPadukone #RanveerSingh pic.twitter.com/jAOuMnpreD
— Deepika Padukone Fanpage (@DeepikaAccess) December 23, 2024
Recently, Deepika Padukone was spotted with Dua as she returned from Bangalore with the little one. When in Bangalore, Deepika also attended Diljit Dosanjh’s concert. It was her first public appearance post giving birth to daughter. Deepika skipped the promotions of Singham Again and remained fully committed to her motherhood duties. She is said to be on a maternity break but is expect to resume work soon.
Deepika Padukone is expected to begin work on Kalki 2898 AD part 2 along with Amitabh Bachchan and Prabhas. Ranveer Singh has Don 3 in the pipeline.
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