Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced their first baby arrival in September and before welcoming their little one, the power couple of Bollywood has decided to complete all their professional commitments. The latest update is that the coupe has started shooting for Singham Again where they will be seen as cops in Rohit Shetty’s directorial. The buzz is that Deepika and Ranveer both were shooting last evening in Mumbai and have almost finished their parts. Deepika and Ranveer have decided to finish all their work before July so that they can have a good time with their kid as even the Don 3 actor is planning to take a good long paternity break. Ranveer was even spotted in the late evening at the airport as he was leaving for abroad to fulfil his other professional commitments.
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Deepika Padukone is enjoying her pregnancy every bit
BollywoodLife has exclusively told you that how Deepika is being pampered by her family and in-laws in this beautiful phase. The Jawan actress is making sure she travels less and takes a good amount of rest as this is the time that will never come again. Ranveer too is being the best husband to her as always but the way he is taking care of the actress has left her pleasantly surprised and how.
Deepika Padukone pregnancy announcement post
Deepika Padukone shared her pregnancy news just a month ago and revealed that they will be expecting their baby to arrive in September, this year. The fans were enthralled to see this pregnancy announcement by the 38-year-old actress proving there is no age limit to embrace motherhood.
Watch the video of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone
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