Fans of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai got a shock when a notice from Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Productions was sent to all media houses saying that Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe were told to leave the show. It seems the decision was taken for the betterment for the entire cast and crew of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. The notice said that the producers believed that no actor was above the show. It seems Shehzada Dhami behaved badly with the unit and did not mend his ways despite being given repeated warnings for the same. Quite a few media reports did the rounds after the axing of the two young actors. While the press note said that Pratiksha Honmukhe was unsatisfactory with her acting chops, others said that she copied Shehzada Dhami’s behaviour much to the annoyance of all.
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Ekta Kapoor comes out in support of Rajan Shahi
This decision of Rajan Shahi has met with mixed reactions. In the past, many actors have left his shows like Hina Khan, Karan Mehra, Ritvik Arora and Paras Kalnawat. While some feel that there might be a bit of truth in all the talk of unprofessionalism being thrown around, others are waiting to hear from Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe on the matter. Now, Gossips TV has reported that Ekta Kapoor has expressed solidarity with Rajan Shahi on his decision. The TV czarina is on a holiday now.
Soap queen #EktaKapoor applauded #RajanShahi for his decision! Recently Rajan Sahi TERMINATED Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe from #YehRishtaKyaKehlataHai!!@GossipsTv pic.twitter.com/GVs0DbYErd
— GossipsTv(GTv) (@GossipsTv) March 19, 2024
Ekta Kapoor has also faced similar issues from actors for some of her shows. She also maintains that the show comes first. This is how fans reacted to this new piece of news around the whole controversy.
Says the one who tolerated all the unprofessionalism plus on set mafia giri by Parth and Erica in kzk2??
— Pooh (@ThodaYehThodaWo) March 19, 2024
People would think a lots before taking him in any show now. Arrogance never works.
— Zainab Al (@Zee10Al) March 19, 2024
What exactly these two did that ekta had to step in support of ranjan.
Ekta herself has dealt with many unprofessional actors and even took them back when they were out of https://t.co/9FXBK0frl4 how bad did these two messages up— Priya (@Conphusedmoi) March 19, 2024
We have to see if this news is indeed verified by Ekta Kapoor. People are now wondering on how badly could the two stars have messed up for Rajan Shahi and his move to make news in this manner.
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