IPL 2024 has brought happiness for all fans of Rishabh Pant. The cricketer who is the wicket-keeper for the Delhi Capitals team has made a great comeback in the IPL. While he is known for his on field exploits, his alleged link up with actress Urvashi Rautela takes up a lot of space in the media. It was rumoured that he had a deep interest in the actress. But the cricketer has indirectly hinted that she is just an attention-seeker.
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Did Urvashi Rautela undertake a religious pilgrimage for him?
As per a report in SpotboyE, Urvashi Rautela undertook a special journey for Rishabh Pant ahead of his comeback. It is said that she walked barefoot for 46 kms in the scorching summer heat to offer special prayers for his good comeback. She made a pilgrimage to Tara Baba Kutiya. It is located in Sirsa. It is a devotional complex made in memory of Tara Baba. The giant statue of Lord Shiva makes it a landmark. It seems Urvashi Rautela who is a very spiritual person did this to seek blessings for the grand comeback of Pant.
The Rishabh Pant and Urvashi Rautela saga
Urvashi Rautela had written an Insta story “Praying” after Rishabh Pant’s fatal accident on December 31, 2022. His car had crashed on the Delhi-Haridwar road. He suffered injuries and had to undergone rehabilitation. Of late, she made a video where she said that she rarely found men who matched her height. Many felt that she was poking fun at Rishabh Pant. The trouble started after she said that Rishabh Pant had once come to meet her at a hotel lobby but she had been sleeping. It seems she later met him in Mumbai. He had dismissed it as an attention-seeking tactic.
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