Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi and Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana is one of the most discussed movies on social media. Everyone is keen to know who will be cast in the film. Some of the names doing the rounds as of now are Ravi Dubey as Lakshman, Sunny Deol and Harman Baweja are some of the names doing the rounds. It seems Sakshi Tanwar has also been roped in for the film. She will play the role of Yash aka Raavan. Sakshi will be brought in Mandodari. As we know, Mandodari the wife of the Lanka king was a pious and righteous woman..
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Sakshi Tanwar to play the part of the Queen of Lanka?
There is no doubt that Sakshi Tanwar is one of the finest actresses out there. She has worked with Nitesh Tiwari before in Dangal. It will be great to see her as Mandodari. It seems Ramayana will be coming out as a trilogy. The first part will end at the kidnapping of Sita. Actress Sai Pallavi was in Mumbai some days back for a workshop for the movie.
Sakshi Tanwar was seen on the web show Mai on Netflix. She played the role of an avenging mother in the vendetta drama. Her last Bollywood movie was Samrat Prithviraj. She was in the role of Jayachandra’s wife. The actress has had a very long career where she has been liked for every performance. Ramayana is being produced by Namit Malhotra and his DNEG Studios. He is now the sole producer. Earlier, Madhu Mantena, Allu Aravind were also said to be co-producers. The job of casting is being done by Nitesh Tiwari.
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