Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor has been impressing fans with her charming aura. Recently, the Stree 2 actress lost her cool when a journalist asked her about her dating life. The diva has been quiet and private about her love life and even hinted at the kind of relationship she has with her partner. Shraddha was asked about her relationship and the diva seemed to have gotten annoyed at the interviewer. The video is spreading on social media like wildfire.
Shraddha recently attended an event hosted by Aaj Tak on Saturday and during her conversation with the interviewer, the actress was asked about her relationship status. She was asked, ‘We asked Kartik Aaryan which heroine he would want to date, and your name was one of the four options. But Kartik said that all four are dating someone or the other… He’s the one who spilled the beans. So is he right?’
Shraddha got annoyed with the question and said, ‘Okay, so he said what he had to. Do you have a question here for me?’
Watch Shraddha Kapoor’s video
She handled him pretty well. #ShraddhaKapoor pic.twitter.com/5GHaa5s9jT
— Ⱥbhinav Singh Chauhan (@KowTowToNoOne) December 17, 2024
Shraddha recently grabbed a lot of attention for her relationship status with Rahul Mody. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, she shared her idea of dating as she said, ‘I really love spending time with my partner and doing things with him like watching a movie, going for dinner, or traveling.’ Shraddha was spotted with her rumoured boyfriend, Rahul Mody and the two were enjoying their vadapav date.
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