Ed Sheeran created a huge sensation on his visit to India, he even got a grand welcome from the Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan who hosted a bash for him at his wife Gauri Khan‘s restaurant in Mumbai. Ed was overwhelmed with all the love and respect in India. Talking about what he loves about India, Ed revealed he is the biggest fan of RRR film and SS Rajamouli, and called RRR a mental and incredible film. RRR is a global film and even won the best song award at Golden Globes 2023 and became a force to reckon.
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Ed Sheeran who was seen partying with Shah Rukh Khan, called the actor the biggest superstar and even expressed his desire to work with him. It’s not the first time Ed has been to India, the last time he arrived was in 2019 and mentioned how he loved this country.
He had said,” I really feel the love’ here, in India. Sometimes you can play in places and people can be very subdued. Like, even if they are feeling (the vibe) inside them, you can never
read how people feel. I have played in certain countries where people have a subdued reaction, but here, in India, it’s a vibrant country. People are so excited! I have the same personality, so I like that (sic).”
Ed Sheeran even expressed his desire to collaborate with Maan Meri Jaan singer King who is a current sensation in India right now. The Hollywood sensational singer will be performing on March 16 in India.
Gauri Khan parties with Ed Sheeran
Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri took to her Instagram and shared inside party pictures with singer Ed and fans called them the perfect host.
Watch the video of Shah Rukh Khan
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