Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin fans are known to be very vociferous. The latest incident where Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe were told to exit Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is being discussed by Ghum fans. As we know, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma fell in love on the sets of the show. They got married after courting each other for few months. But onscreen, fans adored the chemistry of Neil Bhatt (Virat Chavan) and Sai Joshi (Ayesha Singh). But some fans noticed that it was always evident that Shehzada Dhami had a better chemistry with Pratiksha Honmukhe than the lead, Samridhii Shukla.
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Fans of Neil Bhatt defend the star against slander
While some fans dragged in Neil Bhatt and his real life romance with Aishwarya Sharma on the sets, his fans defended him. They said that Neil was a thorough professional and looked awkward whenever he hugged Patralekha on screen. They said he knew to keep his personal and professional lives separate. Neil Bhatt and Ayesha Singh had fab chemistry on the show.
Ayesha ke saath itne saare romantic scenes&Apne real life wife(aish)ke onscreen character(pakhi)ke saath ke scenes mein uncomfortable act kiya neil.This is his professionalism.
So hey ayesha fans…. choot bolega toh kauva kaatega?#neilbhatt #GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin #yrkkh pic.twitter.com/2GTOtHRB4v— Athena@Wisdom (@Shilpasri7608) March 20, 2024
Ayesha fans: Neil unprofessional the… ayesha ko touch nahi karna chahte the. Isliye body double use kiya
While Neil: ?
Liars ?♀️?#neilbhatt #GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin #yrkkh pic.twitter.com/NmuhgtVai8— Athena@Wisdom (@Shilpasri7608) March 20, 2024
Unka delululupan kabhi khtm nhi hoga ??
— ? (@Sunaina_NA) March 20, 2024
Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma will be back soon on the Holi special of a channel. It seems the actress fainted during the shoot as she had a low BP. But some media reported that she is pregnant. The actress called them out on social media.
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