This comes as a shocker as two unidentified men aid an opening firing outside Salman Khan’s residence Galaxy Apartments in Bandra. The superstar who has been under the death threat by underworld Don Lawrence Bishnoi has reportedly asked everyone to stay inside the house after the firing occurred, the police are doing their investigation and will soon find out the season behind this opening fire outside the Sikandar actor’s house. It is reported that two men came on a bike and fired gunshots outside Salman Khan’s house and a probe into the same is going on.
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Watch the video of police investigating outside Salman Khan’s house after the gunshots firing
#WATCH | Mumbai, Maharashtra: Visuals from outside actor Salman Khan’s residence in Bandra where two unidentified men opened fire this morning.
Police and forensic team present on the spot. pic.twitter.com/5vMmoXbI22
— ANI (@ANI) April 14, 2024
Lawrence Bishnoi threatened Salman Khan to kill him over the blackbuck’s case
It is reported that last year Salman Khan was threatened by Lawrence Bishnoi over the blackbuck’s case which they consider it sacred and gave a threatening letter to his father Salim Khan, that read ‘ Moosewala jaisa kar dunga’. And ever since then, the superstar was provided Y + category security. The superstar himself had confessed about living under fear in India amid the death threat.
Salman Khan had expressed in his interview how he is guarded by security all the time, he cannot cycle and do what he feels like in India and hence he travels to Dubai for all the freedom.
Coming back to the current situation of the firing that occurred outside Salman Khan’s house, everyone wants to know who the culprit behind is, and what is the agenda, Salman Khan’s fans can take a sigh overly as reportedly all is well in the family.
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