Recently, the Kapoors met PM Narendra Modi in Delhi for a meeting organised in the special memory of Raj Kapoor. Neetu Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and others showed up for the same. The actors shared the photos from their meet and greet on social media. Since then, many have been wondering what conversation these stars had with the PM.
Saif Ali Khan on Meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi
In an interview, Saif Ali Khan has opened up about what he and PM Narendea Modi spoke about. The Omkara actor said that PM Modi arrived after a day in Parliament, so he wondered if he’s tired. But Modi put on a warm smile and was quite attentive and charming to the celebrity guests. Further, Saif shared his happiness that he got to be a part of it with Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma, and Ranbir Kapoor. “What a lovely honour for the family to have a stamp with Raj Sahab to commemorate his 100th birth anniversary,” the actor said.
Further in this entertainment news, Saif Ali Khan revealed that PM Modi asked him about his aprents, Sharmila Tagore and the late Mansoon Ali Khan Pataudi. The actor revealed how the Prime Minister thought he would bring Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan to meet him. “He signed a paper for them that Kareena asked him to. To me, he looked like he was working very hard running the country and still taking time to connect on this level,” the Tanhaji actor revealed.
Watch a video on Saif Ali Khan
Saif asked PM Narendra Modi if he rested enough when the PM told him that he slept for 3 hours at night. For Khan, it was a special day and they all thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule and giving the family so much respect.
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