Shekhar Suman is going to star in Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s web series Heeramandi The Diamond Bazaar. The Netflix series is dropping on 1st May and the promotions are in full swing for the same. Shekhar Suman will be seen essaying the role of Zulfikar in Heeramandi. During a recent interview, Shekhar Suman opened up on Kangana Ranaut and Adhyayan Suman‘s failed relationship yet again. The actor also reveals if he would be interested in reconnecting with the actress since the latter has joined the BJP as well.
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Shekhar Suman explains why Kangana and Adhyayan cannot be blamed for their separation
Interestingly, Shekhar Suman is going to work with Adhyayan Suman in Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s upcoming new web series Heeramandi. The actor was recently asked about his backtracking statement on Adhyayan and Kangana Ranaut’s relationship. For the unversed, Suman had levelled some strong allegations against Kangana when she and Adhyayan parted ways, also talking about the actress performing black magic. He later said that neither of them should be blamed for the separation. Suman explains that people go through different phases in life. “What appears right today may not be so right tomorrow or vice versa. So, it happens. I mean, these relationships happen. And nobody wants to sort of have a relationship and just break up and move on,” the actor adds explaining that people always look for something permanent. But, destiny has other plans.
Kangana Ranaut, Adhyayan Suman, Shekhar says, were happy when they were together but then they went their own way. He says it was destiny. The actor feels there should be no ill will or no inimical feelings towards each other. The Heeramandi actor says sometimes in the heat of the moment, things do happen. However, he feels that people should always look back with fondness, adding that people should leave the relationship with fond memories when things go wrong in the relationship.
Watch this video of the cast of Heeramandi here:
Shekhar Suman on whether he would want to meet and reconnect with Kangana Ranaut as she joins politics
Shekhar says he is not holding on to anything at all and neither is Adhyayan or family. He also feels that it is pointless to talk about it at all. He signs off by saying, “It was just a phase. It happens, and then it’s over.” Kangana recently joined the politics under the BJP. She will be running from Mandi, her hometown.
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