Love Sex aur Dhokha 2: After the release of the gripping and shocking Love Sex Aur Dhokha 2 Ka Pehla Dose, Ekta Kapoor and Dibakar Banerjee have kept the audience excited by revealing the lead actors of the film one after the other. While they first introduced everyone to the first trans woman ever to be cast in a Bollywood Hindi film with Bonita Rajpurohit playing the character of Kullu, it was just yesterday that they unveiled the second lead actor, Abhinav Singh, aka Gamepaapi. Keeping up the spree, now the makers are here with the BTS video of the third lead, Paritosh Tiwari, playing the character of transitioning female, Noor.
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Here’s how Paritosh Tiwari prepared for the role of a transitioning female
While everyone was stunned to see the last two leads, Bonita and Abhinav, playing different characters, this time the makers have introduced yet another new face, Paritosh Tiwari, in a totally different character of a transitioning female named Noor. As the makers introduced the third lead, Paritosh Tiwari, they released a BTS video that captured his selection process. Immensely excited and thrilled, Paritosh can be seen fully energized to play his role of a transitioning female in the film. Paritosh indeed went through a very tough process, as he was stepping into a character of a girl. He tried to learn the dance steps and bring a girlish elegance.
The makers of Love Sex Aur Dhokha 2 selected Paritosh to portray the character’s transition from a guy to a girl, evident in his posture, mannerisms, and attention to detail, as they wanted someone who could embody the role convincingly. The film is directed by Dibakar Banerjee and will be released on April 19, 2024.
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