Aishwarya Rai Bachchan stole the hearts of her fans with her super fresh look from her latest Holi bash. It was after a long time the actress played Holi and the reason has to be special. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan looked every bit beautiful in the Holi bash as she celebrated with her husband and Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. BL has exclusively learned that this Holi was extra special and we are going to tell you why.
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An insider reveals, “Aishwarya wanted to make this Holi extra special as this could be Aaradhya’s last Holi in India as she might go abroad for few years for further studies. Aaradhya is studying at Dhirubhai Ambani school and she will eat year be in her 10th grade after completing the exams, Aaradhya will shift the base to London or New York for further studies. But we don’t know when will she travel but this is for sure that her parents are seeking to same her abroad”.
The source added,” Aishwarya hosted the Holi bash for her friends and family and largely it including Aaradhya’s friends as she thoroughly enjoyed her day. Holi is one of her favourite celebrations and the pictures that have been going viral on the internet prove she loves to celebrate this festival.”
Queen Aishwarya Rai celebrating Holi with husband , daughter and friends ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #HappyHoli pic.twitter.com/AbS5pmWgXl
— Empress Aishwarya Fan (@badass_aishfan) March 25, 2024
And Happy Holi tis ♥️ #AbhiAish #AbhishekBachchan #AishwaryaRaiBachchan#AaradhyaBachchan
Via Zirak Marker. pic.twitter.com/nYFK7Kxvst— Ruth (@Ruth4ashab) March 25, 2024
Abhi Aish celebrating Holi with friends
byu/Big-Criticism-8926 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Aaradhya is one of the intelligent Bachchan in the family, recently Navya Nanda praised the little Bachchan and had said, “She’s very intelligent and I think more aware of things than I was maybe at her age. So it’s actually great to see that entire generation grow up being so much more aware of the world, so much more aware of society and things around them so, I don’t know what advice I would give her.”
Watch the video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrating Holi with Aaradhya and Abhishek once again shut down the rumours of their separation, but it sparked the feud between the Bachchan family as no pictures of Big B were along with Aishwarya and Aaradhya.
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