It’s everyone’s dream to watch IPL along with superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Last night Kolkata Knight Riders registered the third win once again against Delhi Challengers and it was a delight to watch Shah Rukh Khan smile and cheer for his team. But there is one person who doesn’t advocate to watch the match with the Jawan actor. Bollywood diva Juhi Chawla who is also a business partner with the KKR team reveals that she doesn’t like watching matches with the superstar. In her latest interview, she claimed how it’s stressful to watch a match with Shah Rukh Khan.
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In her latest interview with IANS, Juhi said it’s always exciting to watch IPL, but not with SRK,” It is not good to watch a match with him because when our team is not performing well, he vents out his anger at me. I tell him to tell that to the team and not me. So we are not the best people to watch the match with. I think the same goes for a lot of owners. They all can be seen sweating while their teams play.”
Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla’s friendship is very special, they have been friends for years now. During Aryan Khan’s jail drug case, it was Juhi who became the guarantee for the superstar’s son and expressed her happiness that finally this has come to an end. “We didn’t know it was coming. But when all came down to that moment when I could help, I thought it was the right thing for me to do – to be there for him”. Juhi and Shah Rukh Khan have worked together in several films and their pair was the most loved among all.
Watch the video of Shah Rukh Khan
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