Shaktimaan actor Mukesh Khanna has been making to the headlines quite often. His comments on actors of current generation and more are drawing a lot of attention. He has often spoken about Ranveer Singh wanting to be Shaktimaan and more. He also slammed Prabhas’ Adipurush. Mukesh Khanna is latest in the news for his reaction on Ranbir Kapoor playing Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana.
Mukesh Khanna shares his views on who should play Lord Ram
In an interview with Mid-Day, Mukesh Khanna was asked to share his views on Ranbir Kapoor playing Lord Ram. The OG Shaktimaan refused to to share his views as he said that he will get accused of commenting about everyone. He said that his reputation is getting ruined. He said, “I recently commented about Jackie Shroff’s son… I’m not rude, but I speak my mind. If they’re making a Ramayana, comparisons with Arun Govil will be inevitable.”
When further probed over who does he think from the industry is best suited to play Lord Ram, Mukesh Khanna mentioned that whoever plays the role has to embody the character. He should not look like Raavan. Mukesh Khanna mentioned that Arun Govil’s role as Lord Ram has become gold standard. He further added, “In their real life, if they are a (lampat chhichhora) lewd hooligan, then it will show on screen. If you’re playing Ram, you’re not allowed to party and drink. But who am I to decide who plays Ram?” This statement has gone viral in entertainment news.
All you need to know about Ramayana cast
Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana will see Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Maa Sita and Yash as Raavan. Sunny Deol has also confirmed being a part of the film and he is said to be Lord Hanuman. Ramayana is going to release in two parts. The first part will release in Diwali 2026 while its second part will release in 2027.
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