Manisha Rani has emerged as a social media sensation after Bigg Boss OTT 2. The young lady from Bihar also won the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11 title. Manisha Rani’s journey has left quite an impression on people. Raised by a single parent, Manisha began her career as a background dancer. During the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11 finale she got support from filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri. He said that she represents India’s youth from small towns who have fire in their belly to make a name for themselves. Known for his serious films, Vivek Agnihotri’s generous praise for Manisha Rani warmed the hearts of her supporters.
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Manisha Rani to enter into films soon?
As of now, she is busy with her music videos and reels. She was clicked with Vivek Agnihotri at his office. People are wondering if she is planning an entry into movies. She has said that become an actress is her ultimate aim. The filmmaker who has voiced against nepotism time and again is known to give breaks to outsiders. Let us see if they indeed collaborate for a project. Manisha Rani has done some work in the regional industry in the past. Her comic timing is quite good as we have seen in her videos and appearances.
Dear @ItsManishaRani,
Keep shining. Keep smiling. Best. Always. pic.twitter.com/h2xXSdYfiw— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) April 14, 2024
Manisha Rani’s journey from Bihar to Mumbai
A lot of people have praised her resilience all through. With her initiative to sponsor the education of underprivileged girls in her hometown and some in Mumbai, she has proved to be a good influencer. Unlike Elvish Yadav or Munawar Faruqui, she has had a controversy free stint even after her exit from the show. Her fandom is also one of the strongest. Anyone who signs her up will get quite a bit of hype.
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