Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahani and Neetu Kapoor were the first guests on The Great Indian Kapil Show. While the comic quotient of the show got mixed reviews, people have been discussing how the show seemed like an indirect promotion of the Kapoor kids, Ranbir Kapoor and his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahani. On the show, Neetu Kapoor kept on talking about how Rishi Kapoor was an excellent father. She also spoke about the Sanskari upbringing of her children. As we know, some of Ranbir Kapoor’s old videos have been going viral on social media where the actor made somewhat questionable comments. On Reddit, people are wondering if they intended to make things better before Ramayana kicks off in full swing.
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Promotion of Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal and Riddhima Kapoor Sahani’s show on Netflix
Netizens on Reddit are discussing how coming on the show also meant a chance to promote Riddhima Kapoor Sahani, who is making her debut. Neetu Kapoor mentioned her daughter’s debut on the show. She is a part of the third season called Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives. This time, it is a clash between Mumbai and Delhi. The jewellery designer will be representing the elite of Delhi. On the show, we will get a glimpse of Riddhima Kapoor Sahani’s super-rich life in Delhi. It seems it is far more lavish than the likes of Bhavana Pandey and Maheep Kapoor.
Was Kapil Sharma’s show PR for Riddhima Kapoor Sahani?
People are discussing whether it was a strategic decision given that Kapil Sharma is known amongst the masses. It is a great platform to create buzz for Riddhima Kapoor Sahani. There is buzz that she might join the show for season 4 as well.
People have noticed how Alia Bhatt was not mentioned on the show. The show will soon bring in other top stars. The best thing was the reunion of Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma.
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