Shah Rukh Khan, one of the biggest film stars in Indian cinema, achieved phenomenal success in 2023 with Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, which collectively grossed over Rs 1600 crore at the box office. This marked his comeback after a brief sabbatical following several underperforming films and reaffirmed his stardom. But how will the year 2025 pan out for the superstar? Celebrated astrologer Vikkramm Chandirramani shares his insights exclusively with BollywoodLife.
“Like his contemporaries Aamir Khan and Salman Khan, Shah Rukh is currently experiencing his Saturn return,” he says, further sharing that Saturn, which has a 30-year cycle, goes through all twelve zodiac signs before returning to its original position in a person’s birth chart.
This period is often one of reflection, introspection, and re-evaluation of one’s life goals. Known as the “taskmaster” of the zodiac, Saturn disciplines and imparts lessons, urging individuals to address areas that require growth. The transformations made during this phase often prepare one for the next chapter of life.
In addition, Shah Rukh Khan is navigating his Sade Sati, a seven-and-a-half-year period when Saturn transits the sign preceding the Moon’s sign, the Moon’s sign itself, and the one following it. This period can be challenging, demanding focus and resilience. Vikkramm observes, “For Shah Rukh, this phase prompted a re-evaluation of his film choices and a commitment to personal growth. He worked on his physique, sculpting an impressive eight-pack, perhaps for the first time since Om Shanti Om (2007). After a low phase, during which critics and audiences questioned his relevance, he made an extraordinary comeback, silencing detractors and reasserting his dominance in the industry.”
2024 has been a quieter year for Shah Rukh Khan, with no film releases. His next major project, King, is anticipated to hit screens in 2026. However, 2025 promises to be an eventful year, not just for him but for his family as well.
“January 2025 will begin with a major creative collaboration falling into place in the first ten days. This month will also bring significant developments for his daughter, Suhana Khan, who made her acting debut in The Archies, released earlier in 2024. Shah Rukh may collaborate with her or produce a project where she plays a pivotal role,” reveals Vikkramm.
“In February 2025, he is likely to focus on his son Aryan Khan’s budding career. Aryan, who is making his directorial debut with the web series Stardom, is likely to benefit from Shah Rukh’s guidance and mentorship during this period.
“April and May 2025 are set to be professionally fruitful for Shah Rukh. New creative collaborations are likely to materialize, and he may acquire significant assets, such as real estate, stocks, or a stake in a promising business venture,” the renowned astrologer and founder of FutureScopes shares.
However, the year will not be free of challenges. July 2025 is a time to watch out for, though there will be nothing that King Khan can’t handle. “Unavoidable financial expenses and long-distance travel are likely. Shah Rukh Khan may also sell an asset during this time,” Vikkramm reveals.
The last week of May to mid-September 2025 will be another favourable phase for Shah Rukh’s career. “New collaborations are likely, and he may either acquire a stake in an established business or invest in a new venture. These endeavours will lay the foundation for future successes,” he predicts.
In essence, 2025 will be a year of planting seeds for Shah Rukh Khan—seeds that will grow into trees and bear fruit for years to come. “Both his personal and professional life will be marked by progress, creativity, and long-term planning, ensuring that he continues to grow as an artist,” Vikkramm signs off.
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