Kangana Ranaut recently attended a media event in the city. The actress who will be next seen in Emergency has decided to join politics. She will contest for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 from BJP, Bharatiya Janta Party. The actress will be running for the elections in her hometown, Mandi. Kangana is known for her honest opinions on everything including films and politics. A couple of years ago, Kangana was asked about Urmila Matondkar joining politics. The Panga actress called her a ‘soft porn’ star which grabbed headlines. And now, she has defended her remark. Scroll down to read more…
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Kangana Ranaut defends her remarks for Urmila Matondkar
On Wednesday at the Times Now 2024 summit, Kangana Ranaut opened up on the controversy that her remark about Urmila Matondkar caused. The actress clarifies that she was responding to Urmila’s question about why the BJP has been entertaining her. Kangana also asks if soft porn is an objectionable term. She says it is not an objectionable term but is a word that is not socially acceptable.
Kangana Ranaut mentions Sunny Leone while defending her stance on calling Urmila Matondkar a soft porn star
“Humare desh mein jitna pornstar ko respect milta hai, puchiye (former adult film star) Sunny Leone se, utna respect poore world mein kisiko nahi mil sakta,” she adds. Kangana says she was responding to Urmila’s question. The actress elaborates her answer saying that there are different realms of art. Kangana says that sensational art is also an art form which is titillating and physically stimulating. The actress adds that such a form of art cannot be superior to the art form which is intellectually motivating.
Watch this video of Kangana here:
Kangana Ranaut on people accepting porn stars
Furthermore, Kangana Ranaut says that she has never done an item number. She says that with her filmography, if Urmila Matondkar could join politics then with her boy of work, why couldn’t she? She asks why people are openly accepting a porn star and not a prostitute. The actress questions if money is the reason why porn stars are more acceptable than prostitutes. She defended her choice of words and questioned about words/lyrics such as Sheila Ki Jawani, Item Girl, Tandoori-murgi. Kangana clarifies that she did not intend to shame Urmila but to talk about roles they are comfortable working in.
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