After Bollywood, Kangana Ranaut now aims at ruling politics. The diva is all set to become a politician as she has bagged a ticket to contest Lok Sabha 2024 elections. The Queen actress will be joining Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and will be contesting elections from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. The political party released the fifth list of its candidates and the actress found her space on the same. The news of her venturing into politics made it to the headlines yesterday. Today, the actress has broken the silence on the same. On the festival of Holi, Kangana Ranaut spoke about Lok Sabha 2024 elections and how she will go all out with the campaign to win.
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To news agency ANI, Kangana Ranaut expressed how elated she is to get an opportunity to contest election from her ‘Janmabhoomi’. She said that she will serve the people well if she is elected. She even thanked all the leaders of party for giving her the opportunity. She spoke about the challenges that she will face. Kangana recalled that she has been facing a lot of challenges in her life ever since she left her home to earn money and make a name for herself and now this is a new challenge. Kangana Ranaut also shared her plans to win. She said that they will go out with the campaign by reaching out to every member of Mandi. She called herself ‘karyakarta’ of the party and mentioned that she won’t let stardom come in the way of her political journey. The diva mentioned that there is emotional environment in the family as she has got this opportunity to join politics on the day of Holi. Now she’ll also get to spend time amidst her people, family and more.
Check out Kangana Ranaut taking her political journey below:
#WATCH | Himachal Pradesh | BJP’s candidate from Mandi for Lok Sabha elections and actor, Kangana Ranaut says, “I extend greetings to everyone on #Holi. This is my ‘janmabhoomi’ and it has called me back, I am fortunate…If they choose me, I will serve them. I am overwhelmed,… pic.twitter.com/rqdOTqi98C
— ANI (@ANI) March 25, 2024
Here’s a video of Kangana Ranaut cleaning Mandir
Kangana Ranaut has often spoken about politics and topics that are related to the nation. In the past, she has expressed her desire to be a part of the politics. With her entry into politics, results of Lok Sabha 2024 elections would be pretty interesting to see.
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