Kangana Ranaut has finally confirmed that she is entering politics. The actress who has wowed audiences over the years with her superb performances will be contesting on a Lok Sabha ticket in the upcoming elections. She will be fighting from her hometown of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. The news was not an unexpected one. Her father Amardeep Ranaut had said that she would be launching her political career in 2024. The news was met with jubilation from her fans. Over the years, she has proved herself as a staunch supporter of the ruling party of the nation.
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Kangana Ranaut responds to Supriya Shrinate
Kangana Ranaut has now responded to the deplorable comment made by Supriya Shrinate. She had put up a story that was quite objectionable and demeaning. Later, she deleted the same. Now, she has said that
Supriya Shrinate has deleted the post targeting Kangana Ranaut.
Such posts are usually posted by soft porn handles and not spokesperson of a political party.
Supriya Shrinate should leave Congress and join Alt Balaji. pic.twitter.com/OKc2ylPC2D
— Incognito (@Incognito_qfs) March 25, 2024
Kangana Ranaut took to X and wrote that such a comment was demeaning and people should stop using words associated with prostitution as slurs or abuses. She wrote, “Dear Supriya ji..In the last 20 years of my career as an artist I have played all kinds of women. From a naive girl in Queen to a seductive spy in Dhaakad, from a goddess in Manikarnika to a demon in Chandramukhi, from a prostitute in Rajjo to a revolutionary leader in Thalaivii. We must free our daughters from the shackles of prejudices, we must rise above the curiosity about their body parts and above all we must refrain from using sex workers challenging lives or circumstances as some kind of abuse or slur… every woman deserves her dignity… “
Supriya Shrinate clarifies on the post
Now, in an interview to Times Now, Supriya Shrinate has said that many people have access to her social media accounts. She said someone made an “extremely inappropriate post”. It seems she deleted it as soon as she saw it. She was quoted as saying, “Everyone who knows me, also knows very well that I can never make personal and indecent comments towards any woman. I wanted to know how this happened.”
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