Kangana Ranaut is currently ruling the headlines as the Manikarnika actress is all set to enter politics. As per latest reports, she will be contesting upcoming Lok Sabha Elections from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. She will be joining Bharatiya Janta Party and will be a part of Lok Sabha elections 2024. Kangana Ranaut hails from Bhambla in Himachal Pradesh and it did not come as a surprise for many that the diva is entering politics given that she often shares her views and opinions over matter concerning the nation. However, as the news of her joining politics and contesting from Himachal Pradesh went viral, an old tweet of her revealing why she won’t do so went viral on social media.
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On Reddit, a user shared an old tweet made by Kangana Ranaut stating that she won’t contestant from Himachal Pradesh as the population of the state is very less and there is almost no poverty or crime. She added that if she would join politics, she would like to do it from a state that has more complexities and where she can bring reforms. On Reddit, the post is going viral and a lot of people are having drastic reaction to it.
Check out the post below:
Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai
byu/Affectionate-Can-310 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Kangana Ranaut hasn’t made any comments yet on the news of her entering politics. In the past, she has often spoken about whether or not she would enter the world of politics. She has expressed desire to be a politician and work for the betterment of the country. Even when she slammed Subramanian Swamy, had said that she could possibly a good future leader and is worthy of guidance.
Here’s a video of Kangana Ranaut on Ram Mandir
Kanagana Ranaut upcoming movies
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut fans are waiting for her movie Emergency to release in the theatres. The actress plays the role of former Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi in the movie. As the title suggests, the film will take the viewers back in the time of Emergency. Apart from this, Kangana Ranaut is also be seen in Manikarnika 2.
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