Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma has landed in trouble after his recent episode went on-air. The comedian got himself into a bit of a soup due to his jokes that went viral on social media. Filmmaker Atlee Kumar recently appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show to promote his latest production Baby John. Well, Atlee’s presence on the comedy show has stirred controversy after a segment went viral. The netizens have been slamming host Kapil for his questions about Atlee’s appearance.
Kapil Sharma talks about receiving hate on social media
After receiving backlash online, comedian Kapil Sharma has finally addressed the accusations. The actor-comedian has denied any intent to insult Atlee and also urged viewers to watch the episode to form their own opinions. He took to his X (formerly known as Twitter) and replied to a user who shared a video from the episode. The user claimed that the comedian had subtly insulted Atlee’s looks. The post read, ‘Did Kapil Sharma subtly insult Atlee’s appearance? Atlee’s classy response: ‘Don’t judge by looks, judge by the heart.’ #Atlee #KapilSharma’.
A look at Kapil Sharma’s post
Dear sir, can you pls explain me where n when I talked about looks in this video ? pls don’t spread hate on social media ? thank you. (guys watch n decide by yourself, don’t follow any body’s tweet like a sheep). https://t.co/PdsxTo8xjg
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) December 17, 2024
Within no time, Kapil reacted to the user’s tweet and slammed him for spreading hate. Kapil wrote, ‘Dear sir, can you please explain to me where I talked about looks in this video? Please don’t spread hate on social media. Thank you. “Guys, watch and decide by yourself; don’t follow anybody’s tweet like a sheep)’.
The video which is going viral on social media showcases a light-hearted conversation between Atlee and Kapil. During their conversation, Kapil asked Atlee, ‘Atlee sir, you’re so young, and yet you’ve become such a renowned producer and director. Has it ever happened that when you met a star for the first time, they didn’t realize you were Atlee and asked, ‘Where is Atlee?’
Atlee replied saying, ‘In a way, I understood your question. I’ll try to answer. I’m actually very thankful to AR Murugadoss, sir. Because he produced my first film. He asked for a script, but he didn’t see how I’m looking or whether I’m capable of it or not. But he loved my narration. I think the world should see that. By appearance we should not judge; by heart, you have to judge’. Within no time, Kapil’s question became a topic of discussion and some said that he took a dig at his appearance.
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