Salman Khan celebrated his 59th birthday on December 27. His family and friends made it special for him with a grand bash. Bigg Boss 18 contestants too performed on Salman Khan’s songs to mark the occasion. In today’s episode of Bigg Boss 18 Weekend Ka Vaar, we shall see Bigg Boss 18 contestants dancing on Salman Khan’s songs. Karan Veer Mehra and Chum Darang will dance on the song ‘Tumse Milna Batein Karna’ and entertain the fans.
ChumVeer’s performance leaves fans gushing
In the promo of Bigg Boss 18 that rules entertainment news, fans have got a glimpse of Karan Veer Mehra and Chum Darang’s dance. Karan is in his element and can be seen pulling off Salman Khan’s steps on the song. Chum is being the perfect partner. It is Karan’s energy though that has got fans applauding. All the ChumVeer fans are gushing over this video and calling their chemistry sweet. Karan has confessed that he likes Chum Darang. The lady has also confessed that she likes him a lot. Their chemistry is insane and fans love every bit of it. However, over one Weekend Ka Vaar, Chum spoke about their bond being complicated as she there is someone outside the house, with whom she has a connect. She said that she was in a relationship with him for 10 years and she may go back to him. So she is in a confusing state of mind. But even after the confession, there is no change in their bond. They are being as sweet and cute as always.
Check out what fans have to say about ChumVeer’s performance.
They look so cute ?♥️#ChumVeer #KaranVeerMehra #ChumDarang #BiggBoss18 pic.twitter.com/sZVMuj57zT
— ? (@Shawon_Serving) December 29, 2024
Chemistry ?❤#ChumVeer
— SONAI? (@tapasitejran) December 29, 2024
We will also see Mika Singh gracing Bigg Boss 18 on Salman Khan’s birthday special episode. Krushna Abhishek will show up as Jackie Shroff. Rubina Dilaik and Rahul Vaidya will show up with a birthday cake for Salman Khan and promote their upcoming cooking show.
Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for the latest scoops and updates from Bollywood, Hollywood, South, TV and Web-Series.
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