Kareena Kapoor Khan has smashed it out of the park with her performance for Crew. The actress was loved by the masses and classes. She has also served some truly glam looks in the recent past. The actress is also the face of a top sports apparel brand. The latest pic of Kareena Kapoor Khan has not impressed netizens. Some days back, there was a picture that looks heavily photoshopped. In this pic, fans say that she looks like a teenager. They feel it is way too much photoshop on the actress who looks stunning at her age.
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Take a look at the actress’ latest pic
Fans are saying that she looks like a teen girl in the pics. Many are of the opinion that she looks like she is in college. They also praised her work in Crew along with Tabu and Kriti Sanon.
Social media has mixed reactions on the same
Of late, Kareena Kapoor Khan has set a trend by posting no makeup selfies. Whether it is from her gym or vacations, she has shown her skin the way it is. The actress also said that she is far more at comfort with her body and looks than she ever was. On Reddit, netizens feel this shoot is just against everything she stands for. A person commented, “You would expect Kareena to own her age and wrinkles with grace rather than hiding behind these heavily edited pics,” while another one stated, “The sad part is,she was the whole started all the “zero figure” slim beauty kinda trend in Bollywood ages ago, and now she is the one who is photoshopping her pics to this extend and the fact for a 40yr old she is actually really pretty, and for a normal pov she is quite fit tbh.”
Others highlighted that celebs hardly had any kind of control. The actress was also trolled when she did a more realistic shoot after delivering her son, Jeh Ali Khan Pataudi.
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