Kareena Kapoor Khan in a recent podcast interview spoke at length about her career and family. She also divulged a lot about how the relationship is between cousins of the Kapoor Khan-daan. Kareena Kapoor was gaga about the charm, charisma and talent of Ranbir Kapoor. In fact, she said that there are some strong similarities between Saif Ali Khan and the Animal superstar. Kareena Kapoor Khan said both her husband and cousin brother were kind-hearted people. She said that showed in their eyes. Also, they were simple and did not like much razzmatazz around them being ‘actors’ or ‘stars’.
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Kareena Kapoor Khan gushes about Ranbir Kapoor
In her chat with Ranveer Allahbadia, Kareena Kapoor Khan said Ranbir Kapoor is a deadly combination. She said all the ingredients of a star was ingrained in him. She said, “He has an attitude, charm confidence and air that no one has in the indian film industry and there’s no one like Ranbir Kapoor.” We know that Ranbir Kapoor is close to both Karisma and Kareena Kapoor Khan. He is a doting mamu to Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan Pataudi.
Talking about Ranbir and Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan stated, “”Ranbir and Saif are very similar people, he is very kind and his eyes are very kind and he is a no nuisance kind person its like what you see is what you get and the most charming person that’s why whole nation loves him.”
Kareena kapoor on how Ranbir is as a brother in podcast :
“Ranbir and saif are very similar people ,he is very kind and his eyes are very kind and he is a no nuisance kind person its like what you see is what you get and the most charming person thats why whole nation loves him” pic.twitter.com/p7reiopdUy
— sach? (@vardaanvibe) March 26, 2024
Netizens went gaga seeing how Bebo praised RK Junior. Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan are the finest actors of the younger generation of the family. People said they were the sweetest cousins.
Kareena kapoor and Ranbir kapoor sweetest cousins in industry ❤️
— sach? (@vardaanvibe) March 26, 2024
Well, Ranbir Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are both away from the social media. The two have interests besides movies, and are doting dads.
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