Crew starring Kareena Kapoor Khan, Tabu and Kriti Sanon is going to release on March 29, 2024. The movie has the three gorgeous divas being beautiful air hostesses. The trailer revealed that it is a comedy thriller with a major heist twist. The songs especially have caught everyone’s attention. From Choli Ke Piche Kya Hai, Ghagra, Naina and more, the songs of Crew have got everyone grooving. The movie is helmed by Rajesh A Krishnan and is produced by Rhea Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor and Anil Kapoor. The advance booking of tickets have already begun and here’s what kind of opening at the box office the film can look for.
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Crew box office collection day 1 prediction
Film producer and trade analyst Girish Johar has high hopes from Crew. He says, “I think the excitement is just quite there. But the only point is that it has a limited target audience, targeting the metro cities. And again, it’s a film based on, which is relatable to the metro audiences. So the film by itself and by its genre is targeting metro multiplexes audiences, the top 20 cities of the country. So that is what I’m looking at. And I’m really hoping that, you know, the film works at the box office and this becomes one of the dark horses like Article 370 and Shaitaan. And I’m really hoping that this will be a hit at the box office.”
When asked about the opening box office numbers, Girish Johar says that the movie can open in the range of Rs 4 to Rs 5 crore. Given that it is a Good Friday and partial holiday, Crew has the potential to take a good start at the box office. And if the film sees positive reviews and good word of mouth, Crew can mint higher numbers.
Here’s a video of Kriti Sanon visiting Siddhivinayak temple
The star power of Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon is quite intense and we won’t be surprise if the movie runs houseful. The last big release in the theatres was Yodha starring Sidharth Malhotra, Raashi Khanna and Disha Patani. The movie fared decently well at the box office.
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